Family School Connection
5-6 years

Family School Connection is a kindergarten-focused home-visiting program based in elementary schools. We partner with families, encourage their involvement with the school, and help them access community resources.

Family Coaches interact with parents as supportive peers and offer home visits, evening programs, and direct work with students in the classroom.

ABCs of Kindergarten – Cleveland Heights-University Heights

A fun-filled parent and child program designed for kindergarten preparation. This series offered in the summer covers the following essential topics:

  • alphabet
  • reading
  • rhyming
  • mathematics

Kindergarten Kickoff

This program supports a smooth transition into kindergarten. Held in the weeks leading up to the start of school, Kindergarten Kickoff helps parents and new kindergartners become comfortable with their new school, receive information about what to expect in kindergarten, and begin to build relationships with school staff and other families.

Kindergarten Discovery

Kindergarten Discovery is a literacy program for the entire family.  Each session includes: a family meal, childcare for siblings, conversations with other parents/caregivers, play activities to strengthen kindergarten skills and a book give away.  If you would like additional information call (216) 321-0079.

Goals of Family School Connection

  • Increase parent/caregiver awareness of kindergarten expectations. 
  • Increase parent caregiver awareness of their child’s academic and social emotional strengths and areas of growth. 
  • Increase parent and caregiver knowledge of and confidence in their ability to support their child’s learning at home. 
  • Ensure students possess the foundational skills needed for kindergarten success. 


Alisa and Jasmine host the second episode of our podcast, “Families Connected,” which focuses on pointing and segmenting words.