Parenting Support
0-5 years

Family Connections’ staff and board grieves with the world in the wake of the senseless violence that has occurred in New York, Texas and countless other cities. In light of these tragedies, we wanted to share with you the following resources that may be helpful when offering comfort and support to children affected by violence:
For the very little here is an animated story recommended by Zero to Three to help children and grown-ups (caregivers, teachers, and early childhood professionals) understand how stress can affect children and ways to help them.-
For the older kiddos:
1. Talking to Children About Violence:…/talking-to-children-about… for Parents and Teachers provides talking points broken down by ages: early elementary, upper elementary, and middle and high school.
2. Helping your children manage distress in the aftermath of a shooting…/gun-violence…/shooting-aftermath
3. After a School Shooting Resources – American School Counselor Association (ASCA)…/After-a-School-Shooting


The Ages & Stages Questionnaire is a parent-completed set of questions that screens and assesses the developmental performance of children in the areas of communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, problem solving, and personal-social skills. Parents and caregivers with children between the ages of 4 months and 5 years can pick up an ASQ at either of our Center Playrooms.

Speaker Series

Occasional programs of interest to parents. Call (216) 921-2023 for more information.